

Page history last edited by Chris Werry 9 months, 3 weeks ago


Before First Class or in First Class

  1. Read the syllabus and take a look at the course wiki. Note any questions you have and be prepared to share them in class.
  2. Share some information about yourself on this google slide  (you will need to use your SDSU google ID to access it). If you feel
    comfortable, include a photo.  
  3. Go to the Canvas Discussion Board and click on the "Introduce Yourself" thread. Create a post saying a bit about yourself and your
    interests, and some initial  thoughts on our first course topic, writing and generative A.I.  


Tue 01/23 

  1. Read pages 3-4, 6-18 of of RWEA (Reading, Writing, and Evaluating Argument). Review the major elements of argument,
    then read 
    Snape. Describe the overall argument, a claim, a piece of evidence, an appeal to pathos, a rebuttal, and a qualifier.
    Then do the same for Kristof. 

  2. What are the main differences between Snape and Kristof's argument? For example, how are Kristof's rebuttals different from Snapes? 

  3.  Do a critical  reading of Bryce, “Wind is Not the Answer,” and Abdul Jabbar, “It's Time to Pay College Athletes.” Note any shortcomings,
    flaws, or weaknesses you can find. 

  4.  Post to the Discussion Board and your Google folder.


Th 01/25 

  1. It is often said we are entering "the age of A.I." Share some initial thoughts, experiences, hopes/fears. What might this 
    mean for you, your area of study, your (future) profession, the world? What have your initial encounters with A.I. been like?
  2. In “Signs and Portents.” Mollick outlines major impacts that A.I. has had, and he predicts future impacts in the year ahead. 
    What are his main claims? What did you find most interesting about his argument? W
    as there anything you would like to learn more about? 
  3. Caplan's,“Dear Student: Keep Away From ChatGPT” provides a concise summary of critical perspectives on A.I..  What did you find
    most interesting or useful ? Were there any points you would challenge or endorse?
  4. Dumiitrescu's Will ChatGPT Kill the Student Essay?" claims that AI's "greatest threat right now is to the teaching of writing." Why does she
    think this? What does she think is at stake? Why does she think writing is so important to education? 
  5. Respond to two classmates' posts. 



Tu 01/30

  1. Read Mollick, Programming in Prose,” and Matthews, “If You’re Not Using ChatGPT for your Writing You’re Making a Mistake.”
  2. What are Mollick's main claims in Programming in Prose”? What kind of education does he suggest will be needed to make 
    the best use of of A.I.?  What was most interesting or useful about his argument? 
  3. What are Matthews main claims in “If You’re Not Using ChatGPT for your Writing You’re Making a Mistake”? What did you find
    most interesting/useful about his argument?Were you persuaded that writers should embrace ChatGPT?   
  4. Respond to two classmates' posts. 
  5. If you are in a group presenting on one of the "optimistic" perspectives on A.I., post a link to your presentation here


Th 02/01

  1. If you are in a group presenting on one of the "critical" perspectives on A.I., finish working on your presentation and post 
    link to your presentation here.


Tu 02/06

  1. Read the prompt for assignment 1, Harari et al., You Can Have the Blue Pill or the Red Pill,” and review the VOX video, 
    AI Can do your Homework. Now What?” Summarize Harari et al's main claims and evidence, and examine a persuasive strategy.
    What do you notice about the way Harari tries to impact his audience? Describe a strength and/or weakness.
  2. What were the main things you learned from watching AI Can do your Homework"? Describe a persuasive strategy, and a strength
    and/or weakness.
  3. Brainstorm ideas for part 2 of the assignment. Share your initial thoughts.  
  4. Respond to two classmates' posts. 



Th 02/08

  1. Write a full draft for paper 1 in Google Docs (not pdf or Word or any other format) and put this in your class Google folder.
    Post a link to your Google doc here (make sure you set sharing so I have permission to see and edit). 
  2. Share a brief account of what you plan to do for part 2 of the paper on this discussion board. If students seem interested in similar 
    projects there will be opportunities to collaborate later on in the class. 


Th 02/15 

  1. Install the browser extension on the web browser you use on your laptop.  Sign up for a  (it's free).   
  2. Bring your laptop to class.

Tu 02/20

  1. Read Thompson's, “Public Thinking.” Use the web extension to make notes on the text - share
    any thoughts, questions, or observations you have. 
  2. Briefly summarize Thompson's claims. Which parts of his argument do you find most interesting and/or useful?
  3. Thompson suggests we have recently seen a big shift in how we write, and in the nature, and quality, of literacy. What has changed?   
  4. His text is an excerpt from a 2012 book intended for a popular audience. How does this context shape his argument?
    Where do you see him tailoring his argument for a popular audience?  
  5. Thompson is writing in 2012. How well has his argument aged? If we were to update his argument for our 
    current context, what would you point to? 
  6. Reflect on all the kinds of digital writing you do, from texting to TikTok. What the main kinds, and could some of it 
    be described as "public thinking"? Can you think of any connections to the ideas in his text? 
  7. Respond to two classmates' posts.  



Tu 02/27

  1. Post a link here to an initial draft for part 1 of the paper and a brief sketch of your plans for part 2.  This draft can be preliminary and "messy."
    Use it to brainstorm ideas.
  2. Read the short text by Tufekci, "It's the Democracy-Poisoning Golden Age of Free Speech"  (it is also attached).  This text was written some
    years after Thompson's.  Discuss two ways Tufekci's argument can be seen as either complicating, challenging, or qualifying Thompson's.
  3. Respond briefly to one of your classmates.
  4. As always, if you use AI for any of this, document this in your AI Reflection Journal. 



Tu 03/12

  1. May suggests everyday stories express values, make claims, and establish character. In short, they are rhetorical. Briefly share a story you've heard
    that functions this way. It can be from your personal life or from pop culture. An example might be a "humblebrag," a story a friend tells that pretends
    modesty but is really a flex.
  2. Hamilton and Logan explore why the racial wealth gap exists and tell a story that is “sociological.” What story is this? What was most interesting or
    surprising about their claims? Note a claim you found particularly persuasive, or unpersuasive, or that you have questions about. 
  3. After reading the first half of Hannah Jones (Google Doc version, original pdf)
    what is an example of a claim she is making? What were your initial thoughts – did you find it interesting,
    resonant, disturbing, or unpersuasive? Hannah-Jones invites us to rethink the “story of America.” How does she do this?


Th 03/14

  1. Read the assignment 3 prompt
  2. Discuss one strategy used by Hannah-Jones. You should a) identify the strategy, b) explain how and why it might persuade her audience. Support
    your analysis with quotations that provide evidence for your interpretation (200 – 250 words).  See the textbook for help with strategies.
  3. Choose an element in Hannah-Jones’ argument that you would like to respond to, extend, illustrate, complicate, challenge, etc. Explain what
    you are thinking of doing.



Tu 03/19

  • Share an initial draft of paper 3. Make sure it your Google folder. Post a link to the Google doc here.   



Th 03/21

  • Put a full Google Doc draft for paper 3 in both your "Drafts for Peer Review" Google folder and the "Drafts for Instructor" folder.
    Post a link here to the draft in "Drafts for Peer Review." 


Tue 04/09

1)      In Wallace’s speech he establishes ingroups and

(Students with surnames A-L should do this for “Do We Have the Courage to Stop This?” and students with surnames 

M-Z should do this for "Some Inconvenient Gun Facts for Liberals.”)

outgroups. List all the types of people he places in the outgroup and what qualities (adjectives) and values they are assigned.

2)      List the types of people who are part of the ingroup and the qualities and values they are assigned.

3)      What seems to be the two choices with which he presents his audience?  How does he characterize these two choices?

4)      How does Wallace create a sense of insecurity in his audience?  What outside threats does he present them with?

What other aspects of demagoguery (as defined by Roberts-Miller) can you see in Wallace’s speech (victimization, demonization, anti-intellectualism, motivism, fallacies, etc.
  1. Read the short handout on Roberts-Miller, "Rhetorical Characteristics of DemagogueryLinks to an external site." Why does Roberts-Miller
    think demagoguery is harmful? 
  2. Roberts Miller claims demagoguery has distinct rhetorical characteristics - what are some of them?
  3. Which characteristic did you find most interesting or familiar? Have you ever encountered any examples of this kind of rhetoric?


Tue 04/11 

  1. Use the Roberts Miller handouts as a lens to analyze this text by Wallace.  Links to an external site.Discuss two rhetorical characteristics of demagoguery
    you identified in the Wallace Links to an external site.text, and their (potential) persuasive effects. Make sure to include quotations from the Wallace text that you analyze in detail.
  2. If you use AI to help, remember to detail this in your AI reflection journal.



Tue 04/16

  1. Read the short handout for analyzing authoritarian populist rhetoric (if you have comments please add them to the Google doc - this is a draft
    I am working on) and use the handout to examine sample excerpts from statements preceding the Jan 6, 2021 attack on Capitol. and excerpts
    from the president's speech on Jan 6.  
  2. Does the handout  on authoritarian rhetoric help illuminate the target texts, or identify patterns?
    Do you see examples of the concepts listed in the handout (or the material on demagoguery)? If so, discuss two or three examples. and
    their potential impact on an audience.
  3. Read these pages from the textbook on fallacies (pages 95 - 102). Make sure you have a good understanding of these fallacies as there will by
    a short quiz in them in class that you can get a little extra credit for. If you have any questions or comments about any of the fallacies share them.
  4. Reply to two classmates' posts and copy your response to your Google folder.



Tue 04/23

  1. For Tuesday April 23 work on generating ideas for your final paper and put a link 
    to a Google showing the results. Instructions here:

  2. Prepare to give a 1-2 minute "elevator pitch" for your idea. You will present this in class.  

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